Mike's Pots

York Art Gallery 2015

York Art Gallery 2015

The York Art Gallery re-opens on August 1st 2015 after a long closure for re-development. A new Centre of Ceramic Art (CoCA) has been created to showcase the York Museum's Trust's vast collection of studio pottery.

Cases featuring Bernard Leach, Michael Cardew, Hans Coper and William Staite-Murray

Cases featuring Bernard Leach, Michael Cardew, Hans Coper and William Staite-Murray

View across the main hall towards the Claire Twomey 10,000 bowl installation

View across the main hall towards the Claire Twomey 10,000 bowl installation

The Anthony Shaw exhibition

The Anthony Shaw exhibition

The Anthony Shaw exhibition

The Anthony Shaw exhibition

Section of the wall of pots

Section of the wall of pots

Interactive screen aid for the wall of pots

Interactive screen aid for the wall of pots

The Anthony Shaw exhibition

The Anthony Shaw exhibition

Through the Claire Twomey 10,000 bowl installation

Through the Claire Twomey 10,000 bowl installation

Lars Tharp opening COCA

Lars Tharp opening COCA

Wall of people meet wall of pots

Wall of people meet wall of pots

View across the main exhibition hall at the opening preview event

View across the main exhibition hall at the opening preview event

Entrance to the Anthony Shaw exhibition and the wall of pots

Entrance to the Anthony Shaw exhibition and the wall of pots

Peter Meanley's Bill Ismay sculpture, what is he is thinking?

Peter Meanley's Bill Ismay sculpture, what is he is thinking?

Along the bottom shelf of the wall of pots

Along the bottom shelf of the wall of pots

Detail from a Bernard Leach Tree of Life bottle vase

Detail from a Bernard Leach Tree of Life bottle vase

Pots in the Michael Cardew case

Pots in the Michael Cardew case

View across the main exhibition hall at the opening preview event

View across the main exhibition hall at the opening preview event

Bernard Leach tiles

Bernard Leach tiles

Pots in the William Staite-Murray case

Pots in the William Staite-Murray case

Through the Claire Twomey 10,000 bowl installation

Through the Claire Twomey 10,000 bowl installation